Ongoing discussion for students in Chemistry III

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bioluminescence is a Beast

There are many ways that light can be emitted but most of those use heat as their source of light. luminescence is the exception. By definition luminescence is the emission of light while not using heat as its energy source. There are three types of luminescence: chemiluminescence, bioluminescence and triboluminescence.

If I were to choose one of the three types of luminescence to light New York City I would choose bioluminescence. I would choose bioluminescence because it is more efficient, safe and economical. It is efficient because it does not produce heat so it does not waste heat energy like a lot of heat based lights which only use a small portion of their energy. Bioluminescence is safe because if some one encounters it they will not be hurt at all or be overexposed to UV rays which can cause cancer and are active in other luminescent types. Bioluminescence is also a good choice because it is cheap and is not wasteful of heat that could be used to heat homes rather than being wasted in heat based lights. Since bioluminescence is more economical than normal lighting the city could increase the number of lights it had in parks and other dark places during the night. In turn, having more lights in the city would reduce crime because it would raise the risk of a perpetrator being seen committing a crime. Another place bioluminescence would help would be in subways because it would need less energy to light the same amount of space. Another place I would promote the use of bioluminescence is in the home to light the house. If people did this their energy bill would go down because bioluminescence uses less energy than normal electricity. Another place it would be good to use is at the airport because they could light the tarmac and it would be cheaper and be extremely bright. This would reduce the risk of complications during landing especially in the night time. Another place I would utilize There are many ways that light can be emitted but most of those use heat as their source of light. luminescence is the exception. By definition luminescence is the emission of light while not using heat as its energy source. There are three types of luminescence: chemiluminescence, bioluminescence and triboluminescence.

In terms of advertising the change to bioluminescence there are a few things I would do. First I would take out an ad in the local paper and on a few local news stations to raise awareness. Also I would take out ads on taxis that were lit with bioluminescence to show its effectiveness first hand. Finally I would set up a brochure that shows how bioluminescence is more environmentally friendly and extremely cost effective.


Anonymous said...

I really liked your point about how Bioluminescence does not waste heat, this is a really good point since it is usually viewed as the Cold light

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting how you brought up the importance of raising awareness for biolumincesce. I agree that it would be the best choice to light up New York.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is important that bioluminescence does not waste, heat and this is a very interesting, I am just concerned how you would capture the light from animals in order to light all of new york city? I like you take on the topic though

Anonymous said...

I think Bioluminiscence is a good idea in theory, but I think it would be difficult to power an entire city, especially if we have to use the light from animals.